{A New Year} Let’s try this again

It’s always a struggle to start blogging after a long delay.  I’ve started so many posts in my head, but never got to a computer or put them in writing.  I had an Fall Decor post, a Halloween costume post, and a few Christmas posts, but now that the holidays have come and gone, there is no point.  I might use them next season, so don’t be surprised if I am enormous…it was hard to find a maternity costume.

I especially thought that I’d get in at least one holiday post, but you can tell from this photo that not much got accomplished.  With the exception of the tree, this seriously was the extent of our holiday decorating.  I put the Christmas decoration box on the dining room side board.  I was intending to style the sideboard and do a whole post on building it, but it only got 3 little trees, a lamp displaced by the Christmas tree, and the decorations box.

IMG_2760Now I will have to style it up with normal things.  Christmas is much easier for styling since I have boxes full of “things.” Well, a post is due.

But until then, I suppose since it is the New Year, I should start by sharing our biggest change around here.

family photo(I should note – it was Movember, which is the only reason Jesse is rocking the sick stache)

We had a baby!  This is baby Zach, born November 18th.  So, now the 2 hours I get from Lucy’s nap is spent on the couch feeding, burping, and rocking this one.  By the time I get him down for a nap, Lucy is up from hers.    It’s pretty great though getting to just stare down at this little face!  Thank goodness for Bravo on Demand, I’ve been able to catch up on my Real Housewives.

FullSizeRenderI was such a horrible mother for not even having a matching stocking for him.  JoAnn’s blank felt stockings are a different shade this year, so now I have to figure things out for next year, but I have a whole 11 months to figure that out.

IMG_2761I’m going to attempt to get back on track.  To be a serious blogger (which I most likely will never be) I know they say to post regularly, and that has become difficult over the past 6 months…though I think about it regularly.  It was still a shock when i got my “blogging year in review” report and I only posted 6 times last year.  A reasonable goal I suppose might be 12, that’s monthly, and that’s regular, right?

I have a few projects that I still need to post, and then we have quite a bit coming up this next year, so I’d like to get back on track so that I can share with family and friends and family.  Our biggest project is going to be remodeling our upstairs.  We are hoping to add a bathroom upstairs and create a small master suite, and do a big bedroom swap.  Currently I am working on getting some bids, so hopefully in the next few weeks I will know more.  Until then I will get some before photos taken and get them posted!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas Season and Happy New Year!   I’ll be back with more soon!





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